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Pridružen/-a: 23.05. 2011, 13:00 Prispevkov: 1578 Kraj: Semič, čebelnjak na 420 mnv
Objavljeno: 17 Sep 2011 06:22 Naslov sporočila: BeeAlert sporočila |
Dear BeeAlert Subscriber,
I hope your summer was a good one. Or if you are in the southern hemisphere - I hope it will be a good one. Here we had a long mid-season drought that resulted in low nectar yields and a need to feed bees to prevent starvation. Now we have a good deal of rain, with hopes of something useful from the ivy before the season finally ends.
There are still some places left in October for an exciting five-day course 'Bees: a Gateway Into Nature' at Schumacher College in South Devon, UK. This is an opportunity to spend time with Brigit Strawbridge (wild bee enthusiast); Graham White (environmental writer and photographer); me (Phil Chandler) and via video link, Professor Jurgen Tautz, author of The Buzz About Bees: Biology of a Superorganism.
Schumacher College has put together a course that brings together scientists, beekeepers and campaigners to present a holistic perspective on the world of bees. Participants will gain the opportunity to find out about the behaviour of bees and what they can teach us about the natural world – and ourselves.
The cost has now been reduced to £450 and includes tuition, accommodation, all food and a field trip to Buckfast Abbey. There will be plenty of opportunities to discuss ideas and issues with tutors and others on the course. Schumacher courses are of renowned quality and attract students from around the world.
For more information and booking - http://www.schumachercollege.org.uk/courses/bees-a-gateway-into-nature
I have been asked a number of times for more audio material, so for those of you who like to listen rather than read, I have published an audio book called 'Natural Beekeeping For Gardeners', which is available exclusively from here - http://tinyurl.com/5wrq7n3
You can also listen to my podcasts for free at http://biobees.libsyn.com and on Stitcher Radio, iTunes, Android, etc - just search for 'barefoot beekeeper'.
This four-week open learning course is available worldwide from here - http://tinyurl.com/6y33tmr
A number of local groups are starting to happen as a result of people contacting each other on the forum at www.biobees.com/forum and I am working on a new database system that should enable people more easily to contact others in their area. More details soon...
Happy beekeeping!
Phil Chandler
www.biobees.com |
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Pridružen/-a: 23.05. 2011, 13:00 Prispevkov: 1578 Kraj: Semič, čebelnjak na 420 mnv
Objavljeno: 22 Sep 2011 12:39 Naslov sporočila: |
Današnje BeeAlert sporočilo:
How Bayer used junk science to fool the pesticide regulators
Dear BeeAlert Subscriber,
For a short time, you can download a video that shows clearly how Bayer fooled the US Environmental Protection Agency into passing the systemic neonicotinoid insecticide Clothianidin as 'safe', despite its own tests showing that it was lethal to honeybees.
Download the video here - http://tinyurl.com/3ep7f8j
Those of you who are members of the British Bee Keepers Association may like to ask them why Tim Lovett and the BBKA continue to promote the interests of a corporation that not only manufactures and distributes insecticides known to kill bees, but that is also prepared to use junk science and lies to get their products to market?
Here is the video I flagged a few weeks ago, from a recent event organized by Bayer to position themselves as 'bee-friendly' - with the help of Tim Lovett and, by association, the BBKA - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PfabP6ipm4
The facility to comment on the video was removed on the orders of Dr Julian Little, chair of the Agricultural Biotechnology Council and Communications & Government Affairs Manager for Bayer CropScience Limited.
It's not as if Bayer is new to lies and deceit - even murder - as a promo tool. Here's how they deliberately gave AIDS-contaminated drugs to haemophiliac children, for example - http://tinyurl.com/yqamee
Are Bayer really the sort of corporation the BBKA should even be talking to, never mind associating themselves with?
More on Bayer killing bees here - http://www.bayer-kills-bees.com
Isn't it time for the BBKA to call a halt to all connections with the pesticide peddlers and to come out strongly in favour of organic agriculture and pesticide-free gardening?
Phil Chandler
www.biobees.com |
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Pridružen/-a: 23.05. 2011, 13:00 Prispevkov: 1578 Kraj: Semič, čebelnjak na 420 mnv
Objavljeno: 09 Maj 2012 06:04 Naslov sporočila: |
Konferenca Naravnega čebelarstva:
UK Natural Bee Keeping Conference 2012
Following a successful event under canvas in 2011, the Natural Beekeeping Alliance is pleased to announce our 2012 event, which will be held at Emerson College, West Sussex from 10th-12th August under the title: The Future of Beekeeping.
Organized this year by the Natural Beekeeping Trust, this will be a great opportunity for all 'natural beekeepers' to get together and listen to inspiring speakers such as Heidi Hermann, David Heaf, Paddy Imhof, John Haverson, Thomas Radetzki, Johannes Wirz, and Giulia Holland.
If you are already practicing, or thinking of taking up any variant of 'natural beekeeping', you need to be at this event!
As well as an exciting variety of speakers, there will be a range of interesting workshops, which can be booked in advance.
You can download a provisional programme and booking form at http://www.naturalbeekeepingalliance.org
Please see the attachment for more details.
Phil Chandler
www.biobees.com _________________ Sanjaj, stopi v neznano in se trudi najti pot.
Lin Hwai Min |
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Pridružen/-a: 23.05. 2011, 13:00 Prispevkov: 1578 Kraj: Semič, čebelnjak na 420 mnv
Objavljeno: 07 Jun 2012 06:00 Naslov sporočila: |
Francija 100 let pred nami ?
Namen prepovedi neonikotinida Cruiser, ki škoduje čebeli in vsem opraševalcem - sesuva njihovo sposobnost nabiranja in navigacije:
The French Minister of Agriculture has announced his intention to ban Syngenta's pesticide 'Cruiser' from the French market in a few weeks time; 'Cruiser' is largely used on oilseed rape and contains the neonicotinoid 'Thiamethoxam', which recent studies in 'Science' have revealed to be harmful to bees ability to forage and navigate.
Other studies have revealed that this pesticide affects bumblebees and other pollinators in a similar harmful manner.
Thiamethoxam was used on over 736,000 acres of crops in the UK in 2010.
Here are the most recent figures for Thiamethoxam in the UK (2010) - as you will see, the usage increased TENFOLD from 2009 to 2010.
It stood at 298,000 hectares - or 736,000 acres in 2010.
We do not know what the usage was for 2011 but presumably if the rate of increase is sustained it could well be over a million hectares now?
Year Region Crop Group Active Substance Total Area Treated (ha)1 Total Weight Applied (kg)
2010 Great Britain All Crops Thiamethoxam 298,007 9,105
2009 Great Britain All Crops Thiamethoxam 22,567 938
2008 Great Britain All Crops Thiamethoxam 21,909 940
2007 Great Britain All Crops Thiamethoxam 1,333 5.6
2006 Great Britain All Crops Thiamethoxam 1,213 5.4
2005 Great Britain All Crops Thiamethoxam 1,213 5.4
Given that the French are about to ban this dangerous neonicotinoid, how long before DEFRA and the other regulators here in the UK follow suit?
How long before the British Bee Keepers Association calls for a ban?
Or will they do their usual trick of leaping to the defense of the pesticide industry?
Phil Chandler
Friends of the Bees _________________ Sanjaj, stopi v neznano in se trudi najti pot.
Lin Hwai Min |
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